Bibliography (partial list)
2021 – 2023: President of the International Society of Glass Beadmakers (ISGB)2018: “The Art of Glass: No Limits, Volume II” by ISGB2016: “The Contemporary Shot Glass Book” by Eli Mazet2015: “Glasss4 – Book of Lampworkers” by Miriam Steger-Van der Schrieck “Inspiration in Glass” by Tanja Ostwald2014: “Glasss3 – Book of Lampworkers” by Miriam Steger “1000 Glass Beads” Lark books2013: “The Flow Magazine”, Article by Marcie Davis from Glasscaster “The Flow Magazine”, Women in Glass “Showcase 500 art necklaces”, Lark Books, Sterling Publishing2012: Glass Line Magazine, “Small but Beautiful, Top 40 international beads/beadmakers” June/July 2012 issue Flow Magazine, Articles written by Bronwen Heilman2011: Tucson Arizona Daily Star, 03/31/2011, Caliente pull-out section, Cover and feature artist.2008: On the Cover and article of “Masters, Glass Beads”, Lark Books, Sterling Publishing, curated by Larry Scott2006: Cover and feature artist, The Flow Magazine, Vol 3 issue 42005: Book published, “Bronwen Heilman Vitreous Painting Techniques for Glass Beadmaking” by Jim Kervin Glass Craftsman Issue 187 Glass Craftsman Issue 188 Glass Craftsman issue 190 Museum of Glass printed Store Catalog ISGB Brochure Showcase: 500 Art Necklaces: Lark Books2004: “1000 Glass Beads”, Innovation and Imagination in Contemporary Glass Beadmaking, Lark Books, Sterling Publishing “Beadwork magazine”, February/March, “Focus on Glass, The Bead Paintings of Bronwen Heilman” by Dustin Wedekind “Beads of Glass” by Cindi Jenkins2002: Bead and Button Magazine, Cover and feature article “For the Challenge” by Alice Korach, August Issue #50 Contemporary Lampworking, A Practical Guide to Shaping Glass in the Flame, Bandhu S. Dunham Cover Photo: Bead & Button Magazine, August Bead and Button Magazine, article by Alice Korach, August2000: Contemporary Lampworking, Bandhu S. Dunham1999: More than you ever wanted to know about Glass Beadmaking by James Kervin1998: Lapidary Journal, September, Volume 52, no. 6, “Ghost Story” written by Terri HaagExhibitions:
2021-2022: Glass Life Forms – The 3rd Rudolf and Leopold Blaschka Glass Biological Model Exhibition”2021- Glass Art Society: Trace: An Exploration of Sustainable in Glass Art
2020: Bay Area Museum Art Show. – Cancelled due to Corona Virus.
2017: “23rd Goblet Invitational”: Kittrell/Riffkind Art Glass Gallery, Dallas, Tx.
“The Focal Bead”: Allegory Gallery, PA
2016: “Lifeforms! 2016: The 2nd Rudolf and Leopold Blaschka Glass Biological Model Exhibition”
2013: Morgan Contemporary Glass Gallery: “glassweekend’ 13″, June 21 – Sept. 25. Invitational exhibit Represented by Morgan Contemporary Glass Gallery at the Wheaton Glassweekend13. June 7-9 Instructors Show: Arrowmont school of Arts and Crafts, Tennessee, Invitational exhibition “Artworks in Glass”, Tohono Chul Park, Arizona, Invitational exhibition2012: “Hot Glass”, Arts Commission of Toledo, Ohio. Invitational exhibition2012: “The Body Adorned… Dressed and Bedecked”, SNAG first ever online exhibition. Juried by Gail M. Brown2011: “It’s a Dry Heat”, Philabaum Glass Gallery invitational exhibition “Extreme Art in Small Packages 10x10x10”2008: “Out of the Box”, Pushing the Boundaries of the Glass Bead. Juried exhibition,International Society of Glass Beads. On the cover of the exhibition catalog. “Tempest” Show in UK 2004: Exhibition at Bullseye Glass Co. Currency, Contemporary Studio glass jewelry and beads2003: Japan, Lampwork Festival invitational in Azumino2002: “Obsession” Catalog, juried show, International Society of Glass Beadmakers1998: Glass Beadmaking: Contemporary Traditions, Society of Glass Beadmakers, Exhibitions at the Rockwell Museum, Corning NY.
Honors and Awards
2024: Presidents Award, Society of Glass Beadmakers. A second piece was donated to Cornings Glass Museums permanent collection2015: 3rd place “Best in Lampwork” at Glass Craft and Bead Expo
2010: Best of Jewelry, Juried Art show, Sedona Arts Festival2010: Convergance, International Glass Bead juried exhibition2009: First place winner in Soft Glass Marble competition2009: Convergence, Contemporary Jewelry Design with Art Glass Beads, ISGB, Juried exhibition2008: ‘The Tempest” Glass Beads, juried show, Bead Society of Great Britian2007: Presidents Award, Society of Glass Beadmakers. -A piece was donated to Cornings Glass Museums permanent collection2005: Demonstated at the first annual Glass fiesta in Kobe Japan2005: Bead Review, Artistic Excellence Publisher Brad Pearson2005: Bead Review, Merit Award, Publisher Brad Pearson